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Fitness Preparation for Beginners


Fitness Preparation for Beginners

Are you a fitness beginner? If this is your first time at the gym, do you know how to get started with your workouts? If you're facing these concerns, this article may help you prepare for your fitness journey.

Step 1: Warm-Up

Before you start your workout at the gym, make sure to do a warm-up. The duration of the warm-up can vary from person to person, 

but it's recommended that beginners warm up for about 10 to 15 minutes. This warm-up should not be limited to just using a Treadmill or Elliptical

you must ensure that you activate your target muscle groups, along with their synergistic muscle groups and the nearby joints as well. 

If you have any previous injuries or existing joint issues, it's crucial to take this seriously. Warm-up is a very important step, 

yet some even experienced trainees tend to overlook it, which is not advisable.

Do you know what benefits warm-ups actually provide?

First, through warming up, you can improve blood circulation, raise your body temperature, and decrease muscle viscosity, 

which helps to ensure peak performance during muscle training, enhancing your athletic ability and overall performance. 

Muscle viscosity is also closely related to temperature; generally, the higher the muscle temperature, the lower the viscosity.

Secondly, warm-ups better protect our joints. As you warm up, it stimulates your joint capsules to secrete more synovial fluid, 

helping to prevent damage to joint surfaces and cartilage.

From a long-term perspective, adequate warm-ups are very necessary.

Step 2: Training Session

After warming up, take a few minutes to rest and hydrate slightly, and then you can proceed to the formal training session. 

Generally, beginners might feel lost when they first arrive at the gym and don’t know where to start or how to train. 

At this point, you can ask a floor coach for guidance on how to use the equipment. Start with lighter weights before progressing to heavier ones;

 immediately jumping into heavy weights can easily lead to injuries. Once you are familiar with the equipment, you can begin your workout. 

Beginners are typically advised to perform 3 to 4 exercises, with 3 to 4 sets of each, aiming for about 12 to 15 reps per set. 

Adjust according to your individual situation.

It's important to note that beginners should focus on getting acquainted with the equipment and the gym environment, allowing your body to adapt. 

At the beginning, you can perform a full-body workout, targeting every muscle group each day, although the sets and reps can be minimal. 

The key is to understand both the equipment and your muscle groups. A workout schedule of training one day and resting the next is advisable. 

Aim to keep each workout around one hour. After approximately 1 to 2 weeks of this routine, you will likely move past being a complete "novice" 

and gain more clarity about the equipment and your muscle groups. After two weeks, you can incorporate more specialized training.

Step 3: Stretching and Relaxation

After completing your workout, it’s crucial to relax and stretch your entire body. The training can lead to muscle engorgement and stiffness. 

Stretching helps to relax tense muscles, alleviate soreness, speed up blood circulation, and quickly remove metabolic byproducts from your workout,

 while also providing fresh nutrients to aid muscle growth and recovery.

There are many ways to stretch, but typically static stretching is employed, held for about 30 seconds for each stretch.

However, when stretching, it’s also necessary to conduct group training. Stretch each muscle group for 3 to 4 sets.

Step 4: Warm Shower

During exercise, the human body continually contracts muscles, and as the intensity of the workout increases, 

both heart rate and breathing accelerate to meet the demands of the activity. The blood flow to the muscles and heart increases, 

and even after stopping the exercise, blood flow and heart rate will slow down gradually, taking time to stabilize back to pre-exercise levels.

 If you immediately take a shower at this point, it can cause blood vessels in the muscles and skin to dilate, further increasing blood flow there 

and potentially leading to inadequate circulation for other organs. At the same time, the brain can easily experience oxygen deficiency in a poorly ventilated bathroom,

 resulting in dizziness, and in severe cases, dropping blood pressure leading to fainting or shock. Therefore, after exercising,

 it's best to rest for 30 minutes before showering. Choose warm water for bathing, completing it within 10 to 20 minutes, 

with water temperatures ideally between 36-39°C, especially for those with weaker constitutions. 

It’s advisable to hydrate adequately before showering. 

You can also perform some gentle stretching actions in the shower to help alleviate lactic acid buildup and aid muscle recovery.

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